Source : Cairo museum
Our recent visit to the Cairo museum in Tahrir square was a life changing experience as we were so impressed by the Egyptian art and its vast collection of antiquities . The well preserved mummies of the ancient pharaohs will no doubt impress anyone but there is much more . There is a new museum under construction that will showcase the best of the ancient world and the treasures of Tutankhamun among other exhibits.
I present to you some selected photos we took in the museum and have added some more to our collection to make this power point that you may share with anyone freely for private viewing.
[office src="https://onedrive.live.com/embed?cid=73E91E206EF5176A&resid=73E91E206EF5176A%213046&authkey=AM__x1z-FElJFX0&em=2" width="402" height="327"]
Link : https://1drv.ms/p/s!AmoX9W4gHulzl2YhkIl3r3PJwaDS?e=Cs34ye
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